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Writing a dissertation or a thesis paper is a part of academic curriculum, which can be either written as a part of academic course or individually. To make sure the paper is of high quality, you should clearly emphasize what the goals and objectives of your writing are. Therefore, coming up with an interesting and impressive topic can be a rather challenging task. Your topic is the very first step you make towards writing a successful academic paper in a specific field of study.
To ease your task to write a medical dissertation, we would like to offer some dissertation topics, on which you can focus.

Clinical Management Dissertation Topics

This sphere entails management of all nursing aspects and clinical healthcare setting. Some of the interesting dissertation topics are the following:

  • Management and treatment of patients with acute pain.
  • Clinical management risks regarding patients suffering from prostate cancer.
  • The best management strategies for stroke patients in medical establishments.
  • The most optimal healthcare strategies for patients with cardiovascular disease.
  • Psychological help and medical treatment of drug-addicted prisoners.

Midwifery Dissertation Topics

This branch of nursing practice is connected with pregnancy issues as well as nursing and clinical interventions regarding this process. Some of the suggested topics are the following:

  • Midwives’ role in the improvement of pregnancy outcomes.
  • Midwives’ role in the improvement of high-risk pregnancies.
  • Midwives’ role and competence in the clinical setting.
  • Lessons to be learned from international midwifery practice.
  • The significant role of emotional support during labor and the establishment of a trusting relationship between a pregnant woman and a midwife before delivery.

Occupational Health Dissertation Topics

The quality of occupational health is a signpost of how companies treat their personnel. Occupational health is interrelated with such factors as stress and work-related health conditions. Therefore, the sphere of occupational safety might be just a perfect topic for your dissertation. You may consider the following topics:

  • The principles of occupational health in managing stress in the workplace.
  • Techniques of preventing work-related injuries and illnesses.
  •  Occupational aspects in the safety of factory workers.
  •  Complete assessment of the environmental impact and working conditions on nurses’ health.
  • Occupational assessments of working conditions and their improvement on modern power engineering factories.

Mental Health Dissertation Topics

The primary function of psychological health is to strike a balance between a person and the surrounding environment. As a rule, not all people have in-depth knowledge of psychology and the importance of caring for the mental health. As a result, they may be susceptible to temper tantrums, depressions, and moments of apathy. Thus, there is a strong need of mental health restoration. The following topics may be interesting for a doctoral dissertation:

  • Provision of mental health safety among the personnel in security companies.
  • Mental health of women with gynecological problems and abnormalities.
  • The state of college students’ mental health, which plays a crucial role in psychological adaptation to the learning process.
  • Main approaches to the research of mental health of the disabled and the ways of their rehabilitation.
  • Psychological rehabilitation of migrants.
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