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SWOT Analysis the NARS Career Recruitment Center


Good Networks/Relationships with Universities

The NARS career recruitment center has made vital connections with the universities in Qatar. Graduate placements need affiliations between the recruitment agencies and the institutions of higher learning. The NARS career recruitment center organizes career days in the University of Qatar on an annual basis. This career event has been aimed at marketing the NARS career recruitment center even before it officially starts its operation. A good network with the market stakeholders provides an opportunity for client referrals. The NARS career recruitment center looks forward to using the networks to carry out trainings on the issues of jobs and resume development. The NARS career recruitment center also enjoys good relationships with many career offices within Qatar. A good business network is a prerequisite for success in any business.

Strong Staff

The NARS career recruitment center has a committed team that consists of two ladies and three gentlemen. It is vital to note that the following team has a great zeal to see graduates good working positions. The vision of the NARS career recruitment center is aimed at helping those graduates who suffer due to the lack of jobs. The NARS career recruitment center team has so far done research on various companies and firms that can offer different jobs to graduates in various fields.

Availability of Funds

NARS career recruitment center has acquired start-up funding from the savings of its staff. We have enough money to carry our operations for the next three years without any interruptions even if no revenue is realized. We have also acquired funding from pioneer investors who are presently established in Qatar. We have an access to the youth and enterprise funds that are available from the government offices. Since many millionaires live in Qatar, they are constantly looking for new ideas that have the potential for profits. This availability of funding will enable the NARS career recruitment center to start and operate to a point of stability.

Low Capital Required to Start

The NARS career recruitment center does not require millions of dollars to start its work. On the contrary, the recruitment center needs a small office, furniture, and some stationery to commence its operation. The low capital requirement equally makes it easier to enter the market. However, the NARS career recruitment center seeks to expand in the future. Stability will bring more financial cash flow into the organization. The staff will also be willing to take less pay and work from a sacrificial perspective as we begin operation. We look forward to enjoying the benefits of sacrifice in the future. The low capital requirement also allows the NARS career recruitment center to begin its operation.


The site of the firm provides a unique strength in reaching clients. Al Rayyan in Doha is in the neighborhood of several universities and learning institutions. Al Rayyan has an ease of access that makes it possible for clients to reach and discuss any placement issues. The good infrastructure and site of the office provide an optimum place for work. The staff require an ambient environment to work qualitatively and quantitatively. The economic strength of Doha also provides hope for the NARS career recruitment center as far as the cash flow is conserved. Since clients can easily access the NARS career recruitment center, this increases its visibility to the marketplace.


Inexperienced Staff

Presently, the NARS career recruitment center has the committed workers that do not have any experience. It is a new venture that these workers have not been involved in or performed before. It will be strenuous to work at the initial stages. There is, however, some hope because the commitment level of the staff is very high. Skills and experience shall be acquired with time as the NARS career recruitment center rolls out its services. The low experience also reduces our competitiveness in a market that has already had strong players. Some clients may not want to use the NARS career recruitment center’s services because of the low experienced staff. Nevertheless, the good news is that the staff will gain experience as time goes by. Competition in the marketplace shall equally provide the much-needed pressure to perform.

High Costs of Operation

Any new business needs a lot of capital to start off its operations. The NARS career recruitment center will also need a lot of operation capital to carry out various operations before any revenue is realized. Money will be spent on advertisements. Some free career events shall also be organized in universities at the cost of the NARS career recruitment center. Rents and stationery will be needed at the early stages of operation. The salaries of the staff will be paid as soon as the firm begins to operate. The high cost of operation is a weakness to the NARS career recruitment center. A lot of money is normally spent on starting up a business. New businesses have to do much work compared to the already established firms. The staff should work overtime to create a well-advanced brand.

Little Publicity at the Beginning

The NARS career recruitment center is currently not known among the public, as well as universities and colleges. Since many organizations are presently operating in the career placement industry, the NARS career recruitment center has to work extra hard to create a brand in the marketplace. The fresh graduates will also take time to trust the NARS career recruitment center for successful job placements. It is possible that the already existing competitors can also work so hard to discredit the NARS career recruitment center in bid to retain dominance. The little publicity implies that a lot of money will be spent on branding and marketing.

Lack of Competitive Strength

The NARS career recruitment center enters a market where there are a lot of the well-advanced competitors. For instance, the Gulf Times Recruitment Center is one of the organizations that has been working in the following industry. Many universities in Doha also have student accusations that also do the work of job connections. The NARS career recruitment center, therefore, lacks the much required competitive strength. It should be stressed that student recruitment firms also dominate on the internet and other technological platforms. Thus, the NARS career recruitment center has a lot of work to do to stay in the competition. More money will be used to advance recruitment services and remain competitive.


Online Social Media

Today, many young people spend a lot of time in online social media. The NARS career recruitment center intends to tap into this marketplace to reach as many people as possible. The internet also provides a lot of clients who are located in other parts of the world. This means that a face-to-face interaction may not be necessary to reach some clients. The social media also helps create numerous online links that can be used for advertisements and publicity awareness. The social media equally helps create easy networks between the NARS career recruitment center and other institutions of higher learning located outside Qatar. The NARS career recruitment center also has a chance to create accounts on the and sites to communicate with the clients and to get their feedbacks.

Numerous Universities

There are many universities and colleges with the country, as well as its capital, Doha. These are Qatar University, George Town University of Qatar, Mellon University and several international universities, such as Harvard. The presence of many universities in the region also translates into the market potential for Doha and Qatar respectively. The universities have graduate students each year. Some of the collages also have more than one graduation in a year. The presence of many institutions of higher learning provides good opportunities for the NARS career recruitment center.

Ease of Partnership with Universities

Qatar University, George Town University of Qatar, Mellon University and other international universities, for instance, Harvard, desire that their graduates get jobs as soon as they graduate. These universities are ready for any networks and cooperation with career recruitment agencies that will help achieve the above-mentioned objective. Therefore, the NARS career recruitment center sees such college affiliations as an opportunity for further growth and business development. Other international universities based in other countries also have portals through which they would like to establish networks for job placements. Different local and international business firms are also seeking for talented individuals to work in their processes. Therefore, the college and business stakeholders provide the much-needed network for the success of the NARS career recruitment center.

Hiring Interns

The NARS career recruitment center has an opportunity to hire, train and deploy interns as the business picks. It is true that the jobs have become scarce in this decade. Getting volunteers is also made easy by the present state of joblessness. Seeking and recruiting interns will act as a sample of the work done by the NARS career recruitment center. Interns can also provide cheap labor for the initial stages of the NARS career recruitment center operation.

Great Room for Expansion

The NARS career recruitment center has a lot of room to expand its operations. The beginning point is a focus on job placements for graduates. The NARS career recruitment center can participate in trainings in some vital courses that employers seek when recruiting new employees. For instance, accountants and business students are required to have training certificates on finance and management. These courses will be able to be offered by the NARS career recruitment center in the future. Since the job placement market is wide and global in nature, the NARS career recruitment center looks forward to expanding to other regions within Asian countries, such as China. These places have many universities that prepare graduates on an annual basis.

Strong Economic Marketplace

Doha provides the much needed cash flow for the success of the NARS career recruitment center. The presence of oil in Doha and the neighborhood provides the essential cash flow in the region. Qatar as a state has a very high GDP. According to the reports by the World Bank, close to 20% of the Qatar population are dollar millionaires (World Bank Group, 2015). The parents and guardians to these graduates can afford to pay the job placement fees required by the NARS career recruitment center. Doha also provides excellent transport systems by air, road, and train. This makes it an economic hub in the region. Many graduates leave Doha universities each year. These graduates provide the much needed market for the NARS career recruitment center. As the economy in Doha is basically stable and sustainable and the Qatar state has placed the low tax limits for upcoming enterprises, the NARS career recruitment center has an opportunity to explore this possibility to start its operations in the region. Many other regions do not have tax incentives for the start-ups. Therefore, the NARS career recruitment center will enjoy low tax in Doha.


Online Internet Platforms

As much as the internet offers various opportunities for marketing, the online technology equally works against the NARS career recruitment center. Several recruitment agencies also exist in the online platforms. Some companies also provide online application processes that work against the NARS career recruitment center. A company that runs an online recruitment process has definitely taken a client who could otherwise have come to the NARS career recruitment center for help.

Recruitment Drives Carried by Universities

Universities also have career days and exhibition workshops that provide the graduates with contacts with the employers. The NARS career recruitment center is aimed at finding good jobs for the graduates. However, we would like to be the facilitators of the job acquisition process. University and college recruitment drives, therefore, steal clients who could otherwise have contributed to the development of the NARS career recruitment center.

Challenge of Financial Sustainability

The NARS career recruitment center hopes to break even after running for one year. There is, however, a chance that it might take time to obtain a sustainable flow in revenue. A low revenue flow will be detrimental to the NARS career recruitment center operations. Plans to avail funds in the future should be looked into to avoid financial crisis (Glackin, and Mariotti, 2015).

Entrance of New Recruitment Agencies

It is very easy for a new recruitment agency to start up in Doha, Qatar. It is true that the NARS career recruitment center has benefited from the relaxed laws of setting up a business. The relaxed laws, however, make it easier for competitors to enter the marketplace. The presence of many recruitment agencies will make it hard for the NARS career recruitment center to operate sustainably.

Strong Competition

The NARS career recruitment center experience strong competition from other recruitment agencies, such as the Gulf Times and the Qatar University linkage site. Other universities also offer strong competition from their job linkage agencies. It should be known that universities might choose to network with the job recruitment agencies than act as an agency themselves. Competition from universities can be turned into an opportunity. Strong competition is also received from online affiliations that help network companies and college graduates. Strong competition must be met with better strategies and approaches to business. Potential competition is also expected from new entrants into the recruitment market.


Political Factors

Government Support

The government of Qatar supports all the upcoming businesses. The Qatar state legislations equally have a priority in creating employment for the young people. Thus, the NARS career recruitment center, therefore, enjoys government support in its desire to start up. Some countries have a government influence on business (Slack, Brandon, and Johnson, 2013). The Qatar government even provides grants to small enterprises that aim to bridge the gap of unemployment. The government also has allocations that target youth empowerment. Linking graduates to future jobs is a form of youth empowerment that is supported by the Qatar government.


The Qatar government is against any kind of corruption. Corrupt officials are taken to the court of law and prosecuted. It is, however, true that some officials in the institutions of learning always ask for kickbacks for tenders. The government should come in strong and fight corruption at all levels. Any country that condones corruption hates development. Many civilized nations have high-level development because of strict laws against corruption. Qatar punishes corruption at all levels. The prosecution of corrupt individuals has seen Qatar develop and take the lead in human per capita in the whole world.

Tax Policies

The NARS career recruitment center can easily start and thrive because of favorable tax policies in Qatar. The business should only pay registration fees followed by some annual tax returns. These tax returns are set at low levels to attract business enterprises into the country (Gillespie, 2013). Q

The Qatar business has limited huddles set for new enterprises. More restrictions on business policy discourage investors. A new company can easily be registered and operate in Doha. The registration time for a new business is also favorably short, which helps save time. Illegal businesses are, however, condemned in Qatar, and their presence is prohibited. The law protects enterprises from unfair competition in the marketplace.

Change of Governance

The change in governance in Qatar is monarchial in nature. Leadership transitions have always been smooth and peaceful. Such a peaceful leadership transition provides a good environment for business (Mullins, 2013). Kings and their officials have taken a center stage in ensuring that good business legislations are put in place to encourage the development of business within the country. All leaders advocate for the employment of young graduates. Therefore, the NARS career recruitment center has governmental support in its bid to create jobs.

Local Government Policy

The local government also has various policies to encourage education. The levies put in businesses by the local Doha municipality are low and sustainable for new businesses. The local government also has a lot of plans for youth empowerment, which is in line with the NARS career recruitment center’s vision. Coordination is done between the national state and the municipal authority to ensure that business policies are favorable for new ventures.

Economical Factors


The transport network in Doha is excellent. This city is accessible by road, air, and train. The Qatar international airport also provides access from the international marketplace. It is evident that poor transport networks hinder the movement of goods and services. Such a state discourages ventures. Clients can easily access the NARS career recruitment center offices at any time without fear. The traffic in Doha is also stable.


The government of Qatar has low taxes for new businesses. Some governments, however, discourage the business development by creating many tax obstacles. The Doha municipality has flexible laws that work to support creation of jobs. The companies that work to help the graduates to find the jobs can easily enter the Doha marketplace. The low tax regime should help more people come up with enterprises (Wilson, 2013).


Doha has a stable economic outlook. This state has never suffered from any recession in the recent past. Most economic laws are set to protect Qatar from serious economic crunches or crises. A lot of oil products and goods are produced to keep the country on the right path of the economy. Qatar has many expatriates who help create a stable cash flow into the economy. Recession is very low in Qatar, making it a safe haven for investors.


The economy of Qatar is very stable according to the reports by World Bank in the year 2014 (World Bank Group, 2015). In the year 2014, almost 20% of the Qatar citizens were classified as dollar millionaires. This stable GDP provides a good marketplace for the success of the NARS career recruitment center.

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Interest Rates

The interest rates for banks in Qatar are set at a 15%. This interest rate is quite affordable for enterprises that aim to borrow money. The high interest rates discourage investments, whereas the low rates favor investments. The Qatar state provides a good environment for new businesses.

Employment Rate

Qatar state aims to reduce the unemployment rate by huge margins. The creation of graduate recruitment agencies helps reduce the unemployment rate. The workforce in Qatar comprises about 80% of the Qatar population. They are, however, taxed heavily as they work on the oil fields and processing firms.

Economic Growth

The economic growth in Qatar is steadily increasing. The per capita GDP in Qatar was reported as the highest in the world in the year 2014. This high economic position provides an excellent domain for the success of the NARS career recruitment center. It should be noted that legislations have been put in place to retain the high levels of economic growth in Qatar.

Social Factors

Cultural Trends

Qatar has a mixed population. Each set of the population has its own values. The native Qatar citizens account for only 15% of the population. The rest 85% comprise the expatriates from other nations. The Doha population includes many Indians who come with their own cultural orientation. It means that cultural conflicts that can hinder business do not exist. Each set of the population carries on with their own values without hurting the other.


The population of the country consists majorly of young and middle-aged people. Th latter is the age group that still has energy to work. Qatar is a state that is active in labor. The largest percentage of the population is a working class.

Core Ethics

The Doha people are generally peace loving. The dominant religion is Islam that advocates for peace. It is also true that some factions of radical Muslims have missed the mark and engaged in violence. A male child is given more rights in Doha and Qatar than a girl one. Such female discrimination is basically common among the Muslim nations. More advocacies should be put in place to promote the rights of the girl children and women. Education is valued in the entire population. Therefore, the NARS career recruitment center has support by the population.

Technological Factors

Emerging Technologies

The internet has changed the way the world events are run today. The emergence of smart phones has even increased access to numerous online platforms. The NARS career recruitment center intends to increase its presence in the online platforms that are very popular among the youths. The creation of accounts is a priority for the center. Since most graduates use online facilities for job search, we intend to create a website and blogging sites to promote our presence and publicity. As technology changes at a very fast rate, the NARS career recruitment center must be quick to embrace new relevant technologies as they come.

Environmental Factors

Qatar has very high temperatures as a result of the desert environment. The high temperatures call for seasonal education to accommodate the adverse changes in temperature. Most industries in Qatar must embrace the environmental regulations set by the state. Adhering to the environmental regulations helps reduce adverse effects, such as global warming. The NARS career recruitment center also seeks to adhere to the environmental regulations set by the state. Recycling and proper waste disposals are some of the policies that will be embraced by the NARS career recruitment center.

Qatar has beautiful desert sceneries that act as tourism attraction sites. The sand dunes and other desert sites help attracting many visitors into Qatar. The mining regulations should be tightened to prevent environmental degradation coming from oil fields. The mining regulations are supposed to help reduce spillage in transits.

Legal Factors

Business and Employment Laws

The NARS career recruitment center targets clients from universities and colleges. The consumer laws are fair and allow the clients to access the recruitment services without much hindrance. The consumer laws will not work against the graduates seeking for jobs because the Qatar state has a responsibility of providing jobs to its citizens.

The business laws in Qatar also support the reaction of enterprises that are geared to alleviate poverty. The Qatar state should, however, review the employment laws targeting international expatriates. Given that close to 80% of population in Qatar are the expatriates, the high tax levied on foreign workers should be reviewed downwards. Sometimes a high-income tax can scare talented international experts.


The Threat of New Entrants

The ease with which a new firm can operate makes the NARS career recruitment center vulnerable. It is quite easy for a new company to set a base because of the low capital requirements. Our firm plans to start the student recruitment business by injecting $ 25,000 for the first one year. This sum of money can easily be sourced from savings accounts. The Qatar state also has relaxed governing enterprises. The flexible laws make it easy for any new company to start its operations. Competition is, however, stiff in the graduate recruitment firms. New entrants are likely to fear the stiff competition that emanates from other stakeholders. The NARS career recruitment center is bound to challenge competition from the Gulf Times recruitment agency among others.

The industry profitability is one of the factors that attracts new companies. The NARS career recruitment center projects to break even after one year. The second year will be full of profits. Any aspiring group can spot the opportunity and venture in. However, the presence of many similar firms works against the expected profits. Lower profits will be realized if more companies come into operation because revenue will have to be shared among the numbers. Loyal clients can always stay with a recruitment firm for as long as the services remain satisfactory. The sacrifice needed to create and sustain a business can, however, discourage other firms from starting up. Switching from one recruitment firm to another one can be restricted by signing legally binding documents with the clients. A contract can provide security of tenure for a recruitment agency to retain a client for as long as it is stated.

Threat of a Substitute Product of Service

Graduates have access to many substitutes to the NARS career recruitment center services. NARS is positioned to help the graduates locate job opportunities and apply for them. We also have interview skills training to equip the graduates with excellence skills. The graduates can look for jobs on their own. They can also create networks with former course mates that could help link them to the employers. Graduates also have a choice to become volunteers in relevant organizations from where they could create the relevant networks. Many graduates have actually obtained jobs from the organizations where they volunteered. Some students opt to go for further studies to increase their qualifications than look for jobs. Some graduates lack the facilitation fees needed by recruitment agencies. The lack of this money inspires these broke graduates to look for jobs by themselves.

Bargaining Power of the Customers

Graduate recruitment agencies exist not only in Qatar, but also other regions of the world. Gulf Times is one of such recruitment agencies that has been operating in Qatar. The universities in Qatar also provide linkages through which graduates can get placements. These universities exist in large numbers in Doha. The recruitment agencies also exist in online platforms. They also provide graduates with different opportunities for placements. As there are many competitors in the market, there are many clients as well. Graduates are the primary market target of the NARS career recruitment center.

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The NARS also targets already employed persons who are seeing for greener pastures. Some employed persons normally look for other jobs in bid to get better salaries or promotions. The NARS career recruitment center also seeks to enjoy the clientele from universities. Some institutions of higher learning network with the recruitment centers to find workplaces for their graduates. Clients have a very strong bargaining power because they have many options from where they can access recruitment services.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

The staff who will work at the NARS career recruitment center have other options for employment. Many recruitment centers exist in Qatar. The recruitment centers provide possible employment for our staff. However, the NARS career recruitment center will start operating with its directors as the sole staff of the organization. As expansion takes place, more people will be employed to carry on with the NARS career recruitment center services. Many people are also available for employment. The number of those seeking jobs actually outnumbers the available job vacancies. Many suppliers of stationery and electronic equipments work in Doha, Qatar. It is also easy to switch from one supplier to another upon agreement.

Competitive Rivalry

Graduate recruitment agencies are numerous. For instance, the Gulf Times agency is one of the career centers. Many universities in the country also carry out graduate recruitment workshops. The NARS career recruitment center also faces competition from numerous online sites that help graduates access jobs. NARS must work very hard to offer better services to remain in profits. We look forward to relating with the graduates long before they finish their degree programs. Our approach is a grooming scheme to create experienced graduates over time. The today’s companies presently wait for graduates to finish their courses before engaging them constructively. We plan to help our clients attain experience as they continue with studies. We will create internship linkages between mid-course students and employees. Many experienced graduates get jobs very fast compared to those persons who lack any experience. The competition environment is open to all stakeholders without any discrimination. The market is open for fair competition as well. The NARS career recruitment center intends to offer superior service to the graduates in order to remain above the competition.

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